2007 No Borders Camp Downloads
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Four radio clips in Spanish from the Regeneracion Radio colectivo in Mexico City about the camp and the problems that make action against borders urgent.
A brief interview on No One Is Illegal radio with camp organizers, giving an overview of the history of No Borders Camps and what one will look like on the U.S. / Mexico border.
- No One Is Illegal Radio interview
Color posters in English and Spanish sized at 11″x17″ and reduced in file size for easy downloading. If you are looking for a higher res version, please contact us.
- No Borders Camp 2007 Poster (English)
- Cartel de Campamento Contra Las Fronteras 2007 (Español)
Half-sheet flier with days of action – print two and copy double-sided for each to be in both English and Spanish. This is a great, easy handout for folks and not too copy intensive.
- No Borders Camp Half-Sheet Flier
More-or-less bilingual flier publicizing the opening events of the No Borders Camp in Calexico and Mexicali.
- No Borders Camp Begins Flier / Campamento Sin Fronteras Comienza
Flier publicizing actions outside the ICE detention center in El Centro, CA
- English
- español
Everything is in .pdf format.
Ideally, we will have everything in English and Spanish – zines are in bilingual flip format meaning that they are set to print so that one side is in English and one side is in Spanish and each meets or ends in the middle. Ideally, we will also provide versions for download that are not flipped so that they can be easily read online.
Our most recent full-length zine is a must read touching on some history and points of interest in the Calexico/Mexcali region where the 2007 No Borders Camp will take place. ENJOY!
- No Borders Camp Site Seeing Guide
- Readable version in English (Site Seeing Guide)
- Versión legible en español (Guia de Sitios)
The next zine is one of the first publications to come out for the camp. It contains some different perspectives on borders and some introductory info about the camp itself.
- No Borders Camp 2007 Intro Zine
- Readable version in English (Introduction)
- Versión legible en español (Introducción)
The last zine is unfortunately in English only right now (soon to be translated). It is based on a workshop given at the Tucson Anti-Border Encuentro about Resistance to Detention Camps in Australia. The presenters have also added material for the print publication.
- Detention Centers and Desert Camps Workshop Zine
- Readable version in English (Detention and Desert)
Less a zine and more an instruction manual, this guide explains how to build shade strutures in a desert environment. Translation of this zine is also pending.
- How to build a found object shade structure in the desert